Day 6: Bless your Bills! (+plus spend a million.)
Day 6: Bless your Bills! (+plus spend a million.)
Sit down with your bills. Say a prayer and send love to them, and to yourself. Bless every dollar in your checking account and every dollar that you spend. Make peace with your bills. Be absolutely grateful for their presence in your life. Pray until you feel an overwhelming sense of
serenity and gratefulness in regards to your prosperity and your bills! Then, imagine yourself living a solvent life, totally free from debts, and operating completely and totally on a cash basis. Go as far as you can go with this, while still remaining positive. If you feel resistance to this, go back to your SurRendering process ( ) or EFT your fears ( ) and apply it to your feelings here.
Journal: “What’s one action I can take in the direction of my abundance?